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Alphabet Soup

Rotary Acronyms & Abbreviations

S.No Acronyms Abbreviations
1. RC Rotary Club
2. CL Classification
3. CP Charter President
4. VP Vice President
5. PE President Elect
6. PN President Nominee
7. PND President Nominee Designate
8. IPP Immediate Past President
9. PP Past President
10. PETS President Elect Training Seminar
11. SAA Sergent-At-Arms
12. LOA Leave of Absence
13. DSA Distinguished Service Award
14. AGM Annual General Meeting
15. YIR Yours In Rotary
16. YIRS Yours In Rotary Service
17. RCC Rotary Community Corps
18. CLP Club Leadership Plan
19. RLA Rotary Leadership Academy
20. RYLA Rotary Youths Leadership Awards
21. RLI Rotary Leadership Institute
22. ARPIC Assistant Rotary Public Image Coordinator
23. TRF The Rotary Foundation
24. APF Annual Programs Fund
25. TWF The World Fund
26. PEF Permanent Endowment Fund
27. TPF The Permanent Fund
28. DIK Donations In Kind
29. EREY Every Rotarian Every Year
30. PHF Paul Harris Fellow
31. PHS Paul Harris Society
32. MPHF Multiple Paul Harris Fellow
33. AKS Arch Klumph Society
34. BS Bequest Society
35. BEN Benefactor
36. FRP Foundation Recognition Point
37. MG Matching Grant
38. NNPPC Nigerian National Polio Plus Committee
39. NID National Immunization Day
40. GMS Grant Management Seminar
41. D District
42. DA District Assembly
43. DCh District Chair
44. DGR District Governor Representative
45. DiG District Grant
46. DDF District Designated Fund
47. DRR District Rotaract Rrepresentative
48. DIR District Interact Representative
49. DG District Governor
50. DGE District Governor Elect
51. DGN District Governor Nominee
52. DGNDDistrict Governor Nominee Designate
53. IPDGImmediate Past District Governor
54. PDG Past District Governor
55. LG Lieutenant Governor
56. DS District Secretary
57. ADS Assistant District Secretary
58. PDS Past District Secretary
59. AG Assistant Governor
60. PAG Past Assistant Governor
61. DLP District Leadership Plan
62. DLT District Leadership Team
63. DT District Trainer
64. PDT Past District Trainer
65. DTA District Training Assembly
66. DTTADistrict Team Training Assembly
67. DC/DISCON District Conference
68. DSG District Simplifies Grant
69. GETS District Governor Elect Training Seminar
70. COG Council Of Governors
71. SAR Semi Annual Report
72. MOP Manual of Procedure
73. RI Rotary International
74. RIBI Rotary International in Great Britain and Ireland
75. RIP Rotary International President
76. RIP Rep Rotary International President Representative
77. RIVP Rotary International Vice President
78. RIPE Rotary International President Elect
79. RIPN Rotary International President Nominee
80. RIPND Rotary International President Nominee Designate
81. RID Rotary International Director
82. RIDE Rotary International Director Elect
83. PRID Past Rotary International Director
84. PRIP Past Rotary International President
85. PRIVP Past Rotary International Vice President
86. RFE Rotary Fellowship Exchange
87. RYE Rotary Youth Exchange
88. RAG Rotary Action Group
89. VTT Vocational Training Team
90. GSE Group Study Exchange
91. COL Council on Legislation
92. PHSM Paul Harris Sustaining Member
93. BOD Board Of Directors
94. BOT Board Of Trustees
95. RIC Constitution of Rotary International
96. RIB Bylaws of Rotary International
97. RIA Rotary International Assembly
98. GPEI Global Polio Eradication Initiative
99. SRCC Standard Rotary Club Constitution
100. WAPF West African Project Fair